Friday, May 22, 2020

French Expressions Using Tenir

The French verb tenir literally means to hold, keep, or grasp and is also used in many idiomatic expressions. Learn how to keep in mind, have on good authority, keep an eye on someone, and more with this list of expressions with tenir. Examples of Expressions With Tenir tenir à   infinitive—to be anxious totenir à   ce que subjunctive—to be anxious thattenir à   quelque chose—to cherish somethingtenir bon—to hold ones groundtenir compagnie à   quelquun—to keep someone companytenir compte de—to keep in mind, to take into accounttenir debout (figuratively)—to hold watertenir de bonne source—to have on good authoritytenir de quelquun—to take after someonetenir le bon bout—to be on the right tracktenir le coup—to hold out, to make it throughtenir rigueur à   quelquun de ne pas—to hold it against someone for nottenir quelquun à   loeil—to keep an eye on someonetenir quelquun/quelque chose pour—to regard someone/something asen tenir pour quelquun—to fancy/have a crush on someoneil tient que—it depends onQuà   cela ne tienne.—Thats no problem.tenez votre gauche/droite—to keep to the left/rightTiens !—Hey there! or Ta ke tenir adjective—to behavese tenir à   quelque chose—to hold onto somethingse tenir au courant de quelque chose—to keep informed about somethingse tenir les cà ´tes—to split ones sides laughingUn tiens vaut mieux que deux tu lauras.—A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

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