Saturday, May 9, 2020

Achieving the American Dream in Death of a Salesman by...

Achieving the American Dream in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Willy Loman is a man on a mission. His purpose in life is to achieve a false sense of the American Dream, but is this what Willy Loman really wants? In Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller analyzes the American Dream by portraying to us a few days in the life of a washed up salesman named Willy Loman. The American Dream is a definite goal of many people, meaning something different to everyone. Willys version is different from most people though; his is based more on being well-liked and achieving monetary successes rather than achieving something that will make him happy. Willy never becomes part of the American Dream because he never follows his true dreams and†¦show more content†¦If people work their entire lives to achieve something that they can enjoy at the end of their life, they will miss the entire journey in between. The American Dream is the basis of American culture although some ideals at the heart of it seem incorrect. Willy Lomans dream is an adaptation of the American Dream. Willy believes that the only things that are important in life are the successes that he achieved and the amount of friends that he made. This is easily illustrated when Willy says Its who you know and the smile on your face! ... and thats the wonder, the wonder of this country, that a man can end with diamonds here on the basis of being liked! (Movie). Success is an important part of the American dream, but Willy puts too much importance on the need to achieve success. He neglects the needs of his family and chooses to remain in the mindset that as long as he is well liked he will achieve success. Although he has lost his ability to sell, Willy continues to believe that as long as he works hard good things will happen to him and his family. Willys wife Linda realizes this and conveys these thoughts to her sons when she says He drives seven hundred miles, and when he gets there no one knows him anymore†¦ what goes throu gh a mans mind, driving seven hundred miles home without earning a cent? (Movie). Willy has delusional ideas about the American Dream. Even in the end Willy still believes that the only thing Biff needs to be successful is someShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Arthur Miller s Death Of A Salesman 1136 Words   |  5 PagesGarett Miller Mr. James Mahle THE2000 2 August 2, 2016 Arthur Miller’s Impact Arthur Miller was born in 1915, and he died in 2005. He is possibly the most well-known and influential American playwright. He grew up during the Great Depression, so many of his plays deal with the American middleclass lifestyle. His two most influential works are Death of a Salesman and The Crucible. 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